Marco Fu*

Marco Fu Q&A

Hong Kong’s finest under the spotlight...

Favourite Holiday Destination
Tokyo – I go there often for holidays

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Hobbies away from snooker
Watching sport, particularly football, basketball and running

Do you play any other sports?
I used to play a lot of basketball and I played for my school team

Favourite sports team
Manchester United. I’d like to go to a game at Old Trafford but I’ve never had the chance

old_trafford k článku o Marco Fu.jpg

Sporting hero
Michael Jordan, he is a legend

Favourite music
I like R&B, though my favourite singer is Avril Lavigne

Favourite film
Meet the Parents, I like comedies

Favourite TV programme

Favourite actor
I think Matt Damon is a very good actor, especially in the Bourne films. I also like Natalie Portman.

Favourite food
Chinese of course! I also enjoy eating Italian food

Favourite drink

Do you have any phobias?
I don’t like heights and I sometimes get nervous flying. I don’t like rats either, in certain parts of Hong Kong you see them on the streets.

What car do you drive?
A Toyota Harrier

Toyota Harrier k článku o Marco Fu.jpg

How many hours a day do you practise?
Three to five

What’s your ambitions for this season?
To win another tournament

What is the highlight of your career so far?
Winning the Royal London Watches Grand Prix last October

Grand Prix k článku o Marco Fu.jpg

And your lowest moment in snooker?
Dropping out of the top 16 in 2001



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12. 2. Slavěna

Zítra: Věnceslav

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Nadcházející akce/Upcoming events

27.11.-9.12. UK Championship

10.-16.12. Scotish Open

Northern Ireland Trophy 2008


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