Snooker Chat A

Snooker Chat Transcript with Steve Davis, John Parrott and Mark Williams

22nd April 2002

Did you join Steve, Mark and John in our first SnookerChat event on Monday 22nd April? Read the transcript below and be prepared to laugh out loud :

Snooker Host: Steve is here .. so we're off
Mandy Smart: Will you be playing at the charity golf event this year and what’s your handicap these days?
Steve Davis: Yes I will be and 21 is my handicap
Angie: How different is it for you being on the other side of the camera ?
Steve Davis: Very different Angie, there's no feeling of trepidation - no nerves. Good fun being part of the team although I’d much rather be playing !
Jazz Sian: What is the lowest points total in a frame you can recall?
Steve Davis: A question for anybody: what is the lowest number of points possible in a frame - all balls potted? A prize is a signed programme!

Paul Leckie: Who do u think will win this years world championships?
Steve Davis: Anyone of eight can win, they can all lay a claim. Stephen Lee and Paul Hunter are good prices
Paul Mathieson: How does snooker differ from pool? I find it easier to play snooker but most people say pool is easier

Steve Davis: We're talking American pool rather than eight-ball pub pool. American pool is all about positional play. Snooker is all about potting - in a nutshell
Paul Lindsay: What nation has the best record in the national finals - Scotland, England, Ireland or Wales ?
Steve Davis: I'm a snooker player not a statistician! I'm sure there is an anorak out there ;-)
Omar Saeed: I am just wondering if tip size makes a difference when playing deep crew/screw shots
Steve Davis: It's probably easier to play screw shots with a smaller tip diameter. A bit like a stiletto heel - it maximises the impact! But of course you could get some unwanted side easier
Michael S: What is the most common injury suffered in snooker?
Steve Davis: Getting your leg over is a problem ... for the older players! Martin Clark's retired with problems with his vertebrae in his neck. There are a few back problems around. Most of the damage is psychological!
Michael Watson: What is the best way to grip a cue? tight or loose?

Steve Davis: In between is the real answer. Usually you find you squeeze a bit on the shot so you don't want it totally tight

C Bart: Where in Woolwich did you live as a young boy?
Steve Davis: I lived in Plumstead. Born in St Nicolas Hospital. Lived in the first house in Griffin Road
mark allan: if you could have any female celebrity as your lucky charm watching, who would it be?
Steve Davis: Lara Croft
nick jollyman: lowest number of points must be about 78 !!!
Snooker Host: Use your noddle Nick !
Steve Davis: Nick Jollyman the lowest number of points is not 78 - think - you don’t have to pot a colour with a red
mark rowbotham: Do you prefer to be called the Romford slim, the nugget or the ginger magician or maybe something else?
Steve Davis: My favourite nickname was the one Jimmy White gave me.... Golden Balls ..but they're much greyer now !!!
paul hinchliffe: which outsider got the best chance of winning?
Steve Davis: It's tough for outsiders this year as there are too many favourites. They won't all play bad, I do fancy Joe Perry a bit
Kelly Paul: Have you ever seen a break greater than 147 (the holy grail!)
Steve Davis: I've never seen one.
Snooker Host: John Parrott has joined us !
C Bart: 42 is lowest points total!
Steve Davis: C Bart 42 is not the answer .. it's lower
james clare: How many shots ahead should a player be thinking to make a big break?
Steve Davis: Three...but make sure you get the first one in the pocket
mehul thakrar: 35 is the lowest total
Steve Davis: 35 is not the answer
jason starrs: do you think Jimmy White has a genuine chance of title this year ?
Steve Davis: He got to the Semis of the Masters so he's got an outside chance. You could argue he is the best outsider .. Peter Dyke is now standing in front of the webcam
Richard Shiel What does John Parrot think of the draw?
Steve Davis: He wants to say help
Adam Nash: Hi John, who is your tip for success next season ?
John Parrott: Keep with John Higgins and you won't be far away
Hail1: John, are you going to Glastonbury this year?
John Parrott: No
May: who would be your ideal dinner date, JP?
John Parrott: The wife or Steve ;-)
craig small: Do any players have any special rituals they like to follow before entering the arena for a match ?
John Parrott: I particularly like crucifying a baby calf !!
Steve Davis: John just likes Barclays and tea and biscuits
Bram: Hey John, how do you fancy your own chances for this championships?
John Parrott: Outside
Mr Pip: Golden balls - what’s the craziest thing you have done?
Steve Davis: Had a glass of hot milk after seven o'clock. By the way, the answer for the lowest total is 31 - work it out and tell me why?
Peter Smith: John what chance do you think Ronnie's chances are ?
John Parrott: I think he has a great chance - I think the draw has worked out well
Ian Davidson1: Who was better in prime - Alex Higgins or Jimmy White?
John Parrott: Jimmy White
Owen Jones: John, how many world championships have you won ?
John Parrott: One
Liam Gallagher: Do you like my band JP?
Snooker Host: Well, I’d never have guessed that this was really you Liam! Reveal your true identity ;-)
Steve Davis: I'm a big Oasis fan
Richie Rich: Did Steve really pay £1000 for a cue?
Steve Davis: I'm not saying I'm tight but the only way to get a drink out of me is to stick two fingers down my throat !!
Snooker Host: Urgh ;-(
laurent benkoski: John what is your record so far against Mark Williams and how will this affect the way you will approach the match?
John Parrott: He's played 13 times and it's 7-6 to Mark. But it makes no difference to tomorrow’s match
Ross Mc: Does the BBC offer you a presenting contract on the sure-fire knowledge you will be knocked out of the tournament early? (Round 1)
Steve Davis: Ross, b** off !!!
Jimbo Puddy: Do referees ever get tired from all the standing during games and how do they physically train for this?
John Parrott: No but their socks don't half smell !
Ian Skeggs: is a ball in play if it rolls on top of the cushion on the beize?
Steve Davis: Only if it goes back on the table. If it stays on the cushion that's a foul .. oh, and John says learn to spell baize Ian ;-)
ali: Steve, will you be competing at this years 9 ball pool world championship in Wales? It’s a delight to watch you!!!
Steve Davis: Yes I am in it
Peo: John, do you think you will ever be as funny as Ally McCoist on QOS?
John Parrott: Never, the boy's a legend
Snooker Host: Mark Williams is here now !
meel: when you want to pot a colour, can you ask the referee if it will go back on its spot ?
Steve Davis: Yes
Dean Pace: Mark, did you buy that Punter who bet on you a LARGE drink?
Mark Williams: He bought me a big one
Donnchadh Mac: Mark, do you think u look like Droopy, the sad cartoon dog?!
Mark Williams: Kiss my butt !!
Steve Davis: He has put a bit of weight around his chops
Adam Nash: Mark, will you beat John when you play him?
Mark Williams: Hopefully !
Ward Decre: Can you ask the referee how many points you're in front or behind during a match?
Mark Williams: No you can't, you can ask the scores but you have to do the maths
Bob Dylan: Mark Williams is just the greatest player ever, how do you cope with the pressure?

Snooker Host What a fantastic name Bob .. hee hee ;-)
Steve Davis: You must be joking ..
Mark Williams: Droopy !!
jason keefe Mark, which player is your 'bogey' player who u hate playing?
Mark Williams: I fear no one
james hickey: Mark do u play pool?
Mark Williams: I'm going to start
michael shenton: Mark, did your father make you take up snooker?
Mark Williams: He played a little bit and I used to watch him - he didn't make me
james anderson: has the 31 lowest total thing got anything to do with foul strokes?
Steve Davis: James Anderson ..yes!!! A guy pots all 15 reds goes in off, foul four away, other guy cleans the colours equals 31
Snooker Host: Steve is now in control! :(
scott mcilvenny: Mark why did you look so untidy during this years Masters final?!!
Mark Williams: I don't care I'm not in a fashion parade
angela davies: Hi Steve, can u remember playing Tony Matthews at the Bulwell church institute?

Steve Davis: I can't remember yesterday at my age !
Kalpesh Patel: Mark ,how popular is Snooker in China and Thailand?
Mark Williams: It's pretty popular
Rene Neefjes: Steve do you hate it when people keep bringing up '85?
Steve Davis: What happened in 1985?!

Andrew Andrew: Steve - why cant we see more of u on the box?
Steve Davis: Because I'm fairly thin ;-)
Snooker Host: boom boom!!
Saniul Islam: what age did you start playing professionally Steve?
Steve Davis: 21
David Winder: Hi Steve, I met you in Gibraltar. Remember I asked you why we never see a player sneeze during play ? :)
Steve Davis: I thought that was why cloth was green, just in case ..
BBC Host Mark has gone now but Steve is still with us .. he's a bit camera shy!
Andrew Andrew: I’d like to see you and John Virgo together
Steve Davis: The video's banned
Gordon: Steve - do you think you are a better player then Stephen Hendry?
Steve Davis: No, Stephen's better
Graham Down: Steve. How bad did you feel not to make this years world championship?
Steve Davis: On a scale of 1-10....10. I went out and bought cat so I could kick it
Snooker Host: Steve’s only joking!!
roan scott: why does nobody drink beer during matches like real men?
Steve Davis: Because Bill Werbeniuk's thighs were in different postal codes !!
Fergus Mcanallen: Come on guys, that one question of mine about the 85 final deserves an answer?
Steve Davis: It's the one thing me and my psychologist work on Fergus!

Carl: Steve I am going to re-varnish my snooker cue but don’t know what type of a finish to apply e.g. varnish, wax etc. What would u recommend?

Steve Davis: Don't varnish a snooker cue .. Use linseed oil
Chris2: Steve are you my long lost dad ?
Steve Davis: Yes son, now go away !!

Steve Jervis: are the waistcoats and bow ties enforced? or just tradition?
Steve Davis: They're enforced for the Embassy
shane kilkenny: Guys do ye think paul hunter is a cocky poser??
Steve Davis: he speaks very well of you too Shane !
Colin Pilcher: But if the guy pots all 15 reds then misses the colour, the opponent goes to pot all colours then that’s 27, no extra 4 so how can 31 be lowest score?
Steve Davis: Colin, he pots all 15 reds and goes in off
Ward Decre: what drinks do you fancy? are you obliged to drink water during a match? or can you drink e.g. a Duvel?
Steve Davis: that is a man's beer !!!
sandy bradley: why has snooker not caught on in America?
Steve Davis: Because American pool has
Jimmy: Are the players drug tested at all?
Steve Davis: Yes. I was drug tested when I lost to Robin Hull in the qualifier. If I was on drugs I was obviously in the wrong ones ;-)
Angelo Nasti: how come snooker players always seem to blush after they miss a shot?
Steve Davis: Your heart rate goes up
Greg: Are you allowed food during a match e.g strawberry pie?
Steve Davis: No strawberry pie is the only one that's banned .. Unless strawberry pie means something else !?!
John Pimlotti: Steve, who do you think would drive you mad if you were trapped with Willy Thorne or Dennis Taylor?
Steve Davis: They'd be asleep after ten minutes with me
Kelly Paul: Steve, are you a mild or bitter man?
Steve Davis: Red wine .. less sugar in it
Mandy Smart: What has been your most embarrassing moment in snooker, - I remember when you knocked over your ice bucket at the Crucible a few years ago, have you done worse?
Steve Davis: Losing 10-1 to Tony Knowles
Rob: why did you decide to support the Orient and not the Hammers, Steve?
Steve Davis: Because my mate Barry Hearn is the chairman. I'm Supporting him ..sad man!
Ice Cube: Are cue's always made of wood?
Steve Davis: They did try aluminium to stop warping, but if you leant on them then you could never get them straight again
Mr Pip: What drugs would a snooker player use?
Steve Davis: Beta blockers slow the heart rate down !!
Simon Griffiths: Steve, is it true that at one point in you snooker career you said that you preferred it rather than sex?
Steve Davis: Yes
James Clare1: Has anyone ever potted all 15 reds at once?
Steve Davis: Benny Hill .. back in the 70s!
Donnchadh Mac: Steve, is your bald patch going to to interfere with your t.v career?
Steve Davis: What bald patch? It's growing so thick I have to keep thinning it out every day
Paul McAuley: Do any of the players undergo hypnosis in order to improve their concentration and focus in a game?
Steve Davis: That's something for the future .. seriously .. it may happen
Mandy Smart: So really 31 isn't the lowest game score, but 31 plus 15, ie 46?
Steve Davis: 31 is the lowest theoretical score on a snooker table .. all balls potted
judge: For atmosphere, would u agree that the Masters is still the daddy?
Steve Davis: There's nothing quite like the Embassy World Championship
Snooker Host: OK, that’s it for tonight .. don’t forget to join us for the next one



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15. 9. Jolana

Zítra: Ludmila

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Nadcházející akce/Upcoming events

27.11.-9.12. UK Championship

10.-16.12. Scotish Open

Northern Ireland Trophy 2008


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