Snookertest A

Which snooker star are you?

3 May, 2002
By Tom Fordyce
BBC Sport Online

We all fancy the life of a top snooker star - the fame, the money, the one-on-ones with Hazel Irvine and Ray Stubbs.
But if you made it to the top of the tree, which superstar would you be? Thanks to BBC Sport Online's snookometer, you can now find out.

It couldn't be simpler. Simply answer the questions below, note your responses and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Someone at work is winding you up. Do you:
A: give them a right mouthful and storm off in a huff
B: stare at them with a baleful look and get on with what you're doing
C: take it personally and celebrate each small victory over them with a clenched fist and rebel yell
D: steal their thunder by taking the mickey out of yourself
E: let it get to you and fall apart in a horribly public manner

Whilst at a village fair, you decide to have a go at the coconut shy. Do you:
A: fail to concentrate properly for a while before finally landing one bang on
B: hit five coconuts in a row, having spent the last six months practising 15 hours a day
C: hit a small coconut and then turn to the person next to you and shout, "In your face, loser!"
D: miss with every throw despite having been so good 10 years ago you were known as King Coconut
E: find that the smell of coconut reminds you of Malibu and wander off to find the booze tent

Looking in the mirror, you decide you need some new clothes. Do you:
A: pop down to Armani and splash the cash on some flash threads
B: start flicking through the Fruit of the Loom catalogue
C: decide that a multicoloured waistcoat would do the trick
D: change your mind and stick with what you've got
E: do Ł100 on a shirt and Ł1,000 on a platinum medallion to wear with it

You see some peanuts in a jar and decide you would like some. Do you:
A: Instinctively reach in and grab some without thinking
B: spend ages standing around, working out the best way of getting to them
C: take out one nut, eat it, then turn your face to the heavens and shout, "YEEEEESSSS!"
D: methodically shake each nut out one by one with painstaking but successful precision
E: smash the jar to see what happens

You are in the local video shop selecting a film to watch. Do you:
A: take the first one you see
B: spend ages reading all the blurb on the back of the boxes before making an informed choice an hour later
C: select "Bad Lieutenant"
D: pick up "Best of the Antiques Roadshow" but decide it is a touch too racey for your tastes
E: sack it and go down the casino instead

You have had a busy day with barely a moment to yourself. That evening, do you unwind by:
A: heading out on the lash with a bevy of pals
B: staying in and getting an early night
C: going for a swim at the local pool, followed by a work-out in the gym
D: listening to some old rare groove classics on vinyl
E: smoking a packet of fags and sipping a couple of cold lagers

You are standing at a zebra crossing waiting to cross a busy road. Do you:
A: leg it across at speed and make it to the other side after a couple of close shaves
B: wait patiently for a gap in the traffic and then cross carefully, taking care to look both ways
C: stand on the pavement shouting obscenities at the passing cars
D: start taking down the make and model of different vehicles and enter them in your notebook
E: shut your eyes and run across the road hoping for the best

If you answered:
mostly As, you are Ronnie O'Sullivan
mostly Bs, you are Stephen Hendry
mostly Cs, you are Peter Ebdon
mostly Ds, you are Steve Davis
mostly Es, you are Jimmy White



Welsh Open[2].jpg


Champion of Champions.jpg







_44304734_ronnie270.jpg Plachá

12. 2. Slavěna

Zítra: Věnceslav

Ronnie Welsh 2016.jpg215259_10200438078328966_1416503438_n.jpg


german 12.jpg

Nadcházející akce/Upcoming events

27.11.-9.12. UK Championship

10.-16.12. Scotish Open

Northern Ireland Trophy 2008


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