Our latest celebrity to answer AQA's questions is Ronnie O'Sullivan, the youngest ever winner of a ranking snooker tournament and current Masters champion.
Ronnie's answers to AQA's questions were swift, and to the point. Much like his maximum clearance breaks - his fastest recorded one was in just 5 minutes 20 seconds.
Q. Who is Ronnie O' Sullivan?
A. I'm a dad, a snooker player and a nice guy.
Q. What's the meaning of life?
A. Whew … are you sure? How long do you have? Does it have a meaning?
Q. What's your funniest joke?
A. The funniest joke I know is too long and unprintable! What about the guy who goes to Manila on holiday and doesn't see one envelope! (note of webmaster – I don’t understand this one)
Q. What question would you most like answered?
A. Is there a future in snooker? (note of webmaster – definitely, come to the Czech Republic :-) )
Q. Are you a modern father, helping out at home or a hands-off traditionalist?
A. Hands on when I'm there.
Q. You said in an interview early in your career that you hated losing. Do you still feel that way?
A. It still really hurts at times – but you know that being a sportsman it's bound to happen now and then.
Q. How much satisfaction did it give you whitewashing former world champion runner-up Rex Williams when playing him left handed instead of your normal right handed?
A. Who? Did I? Just the same as whitewashing anyone else.
Q. If you could swap being the best snooker player in the world for one thing, what would it be?
A. The best snooker player of all time. (note of webmaster – „done“ :-) )
Q. Are you obsessed with snooker?
A. Not really. I used to be. Now I like doing it well. But it isn't everything to me.
Q. You are regarded by many as a sex symbol. Does this fill you with pride or do you not care one little bit?
A. I don't really care. The only thing I might care about it is who's saying it! (note of webmaster – Ahem, for example me :-) )