Michael Georgiou*


Biggest tournament break: 139

Interviewed by Jan Kundrak at the Facebook

Ján: Hi Michael
Michael: Hi Ján

Ján: So we begin
Michael: plague glad

Ján: you view on snooker in England as it develops further?
Michael: i think at the moment it is very competitive and there is a high standard.

Ján: the future of snooker in england is looking bright with many juniors coming through now
Michael: i do believe snooker needs to become more global though

Ján: you think is the future of snooker is based on the old generation of players? or new?
Michael: definetely the new

Ján: what do you think about tournaments: Premier League, World Series of Snooker Paul Hunter Classic in Germany, are good for players and spectators?
Michael: they are and it is good for the sport in general, the more tournaments you have going on the more popular the game will get, people will want to pick up a cue and play just how it was 10 - 15 years ago

Ján: which suggests the development of snooker in Europe? you see something that prevents this development?
Michael: well i know they love snooker in germany and is quite popular over there, i would like to see more tournaments over there. im not too sure about how the rest of europe feels about snooker itself, but it would be nice to have the game move around with more tournaments for the players

Ján: what is your opinion on the referees? help snooker? I think that yes
Michael: i think referees do a brilliant job they are a couple of junior referees around now as well, so it is nice that people are also taking an interest in that part of the game as well instead of all of the focus on the players only

Ján: saw something of the world series of snooker in Prague? if so, what is your opinion on the Czech players?
Michael: i actually didnt get round to seeing the world series leg in the czech my knowledge on snooker in the czech is very limited as i have not met many players from there, i would love to play in a tournament over there

Ján: What would you advice to young players in the future for their game?
Michael: practise hard, stay focused and never give up is the only advice i could give

Ján: Thanks for your time
Michael: And I thank you for interview



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12. 2. Slavěna

Zítra: Věnceslav

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Nadcházející akce/Upcoming events

27.11.-9.12. UK Championship

10.-16.12. Scotish Open


Northern Ireland Trophy 2008


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