Dave H
The world rankings are worked out using two seasons’ points. At the halfway stage of what will become the official list for 2010/11 the provisional list is as follows:
1) John Higgins
2) Ali Carter
3) Ronnie O’Sullivan
4) Shaun Murphy
5) Neil Robertson
6) Stephen Maguire
7) Ryan Day
8) Marco Fu
9) Mark Selby
10) Mark Allen
11) Stephen Hendry
12) Ricky Walden
13) Steve Davis
14) Joe Perry
15) Mark King
16) Peter Ebdon
What are your predictions for how the official list will look at the end of the season? Here’s mine:
1) John Higgins
2) Ronnie O’Sullivan
3) Shaun Murphy
4) Ryan Day
5) Ali Carter
6) Stephen Maguire
7) Mark Selby
8) Mark Allen
9) Neil Robertson
10) Ricky Walden
11) Marco Fu
12) Joe Perry
13) Jamie Cope
14) Mark Williams
15) Stephen Hendry
16) Barry Hawkins
As John Higgins has a 6,900 point lead at the head of the current provisional list it will take a poor season to threaten his no.1 position and with just six ranking events it would really need to be a shocking run for him to lose out.
I predict reasonably strong seasons from Marks Selby and Allen and from Ryan Day and Ricky Walden, so I have them all moving up.
There are just 950 points separating Steve Davis in 13th place and Graeme Dott in 22nd so the race for a top 16 place could be very interesting this season.
I’m predicting a good season for Jamie Cope, who I think will breakthrough and possibly win a tournament.
I was also impressed pretty much every time I saw Barry Hawkins play last season and think he’ll get the bits of luck he missed out on last term.
I’d like to be wrong but I think Stephen Hendry will continue his decline – albeit gradual – and slip down a little.
As for the players being relegated: take out the China Open and Peter Ebdon was poor last season. I also don’t think Mark King will hang on to his place in the elite.
And I’m afraid Ding Junhui doesn’t make the cut for me either.
But this is only a bit of fun based on nothing more than guesswork.
Remember, as the satirist Robert Storm Petersen said: it’s tough making predictions, especially about the future.
1. John Higgins
2. Ronnie O'Sullivan
3. Shaun Murphy
4. Mark Selby
5. Ali Carter
6. Neil Robertson
7. Stephen Maguire
8. Mark Allen
9. Stephen Hendry
10. Peter Ebdon
11. Ryan Day
12. Marco Fu
13. Michael Holt
14. Joe Perry
15. Mark Williams
16. Steve Davis
1. John Higgins
2. Ronnie O'Sullivan
3. Shaun Murphy
4. Stephen Maguire
5. Ali Carter
6. Mark Selby
7. Neil Robertson
8. Ryan Day
9. Mark Allen
10. Ricky Walden
11. Peter Ebdon
12. Mark J. Williams
13. Marco Fu
14. Joe Perry
15. Stephen Hedry
16. Steve Davis
1 Murphy
2 Ronnie
3 Higgins
4 Carter
5 Maguire
6 Selby
7 Day
8 Robertson
9 Fu
10 Allen
11 Williams
12 Perry
13 Wenbo
14 Cope
15 Hendry
16 Trump
1) John Higgins
2) Ronnie
3) Shaun Murphy
4) Mark Selby
5) Stephen Maguire
6) Ali Carter
7) Neil Robertson
8) Mark Allen
9) Ryan Day
10) Ricky Walden
11) Marco Fu
12) Stephen Hendry
13) Joe Perry
14) Judd Trump
15) Jamie Cope
16) Ding Junhui
1. J. Higgins
2. R. O'Sullivan
3. S. Murphy
4. A. Carter
5. N. Robertson
6. S. Maguire
7. R. Day
8. M. Selby
9. M. Allen
10. M. Fu
11. R. Walden
12. S. Hendry
13. M. Williams
14. P. Ebdon
15. M. Holt
16. M. King
1. Higgins
2. Ronnie
3. Murphy
4. Carter
5. Selby
6. Maguire
7. Robertson
8. Allen
9. Day
10. Fu
11. Walden
12. Hendry
13. Perry
14. King
15. Wenbo
16. Trump
1. Higgins
2. Ronnie
3. Murphy
4. Selby
5. Robertson
6. Carter
7. Allen
8. Maguire
9. Ebdon
10. Hendry
11. Day
12. Ding
13. Wenbo
14. Trump
15. Doherty
16. Stevens
1) Higgins
2) Murphy
3) Ronnie
4) Selby
5) Allen
6) Maguire
7) Robertson
8) Carter
9) Perry
10) Wenbo
11) Trump
12) Day
13) Cope
14) Ding
15) Fu
16) Ebdon
1. Higgins
2. Ronnie
3. Murphy
4. Day
5. Robertson
6. Carter
7. Selby
8. Maguire
9. Fu
10. Allen
11. Hendry
12. Walden
13. Perry
14. Ding
15. Trump
16. Stevens
1) Higgins
2) Murphy
3) O'Sullivan
4) Maguire
5) Carter
6) Selby
7) Robertson
8) Day
9) Allen
10) Fu
11) King
12) Walden
13) Perry
14) Hendry
15) Williams
16) Trump
1. John Higgins
2. Stephen Maguire
3. Ronnie O’Sullivan
4. Ryan Day
5. Ali Carter
6. Neil Robertson
7. Shaun Murphy
8. Mark Selby
9. Mark Allen
10. Stephen Hendry
11. Marco Fu
12. Joe Perry
13. Ricky Walden
14. Judd Trump
15. Mark Williams
16. Barry Hawkins
1) Higgins
2) Ronnie
3) Selby
4) Murphy
5) Magiure
6) Carter
7) Robertson
8) Day
9) Ebdon
10) Hendry
11) Fu
12) Ding
13) Williams
14) King
15) Perry
16) Allen
1. Higgins
2. Ronnie
3. Murphy
4. Maguire
5. Selby
6. Carter
7. Hendry
8. Robertson
9. Day
10. Walden
11. Allen
12. Williams
13. Fu
14. Perry
15. Ebdon
16. Trump
1 Higgins
2 Ronnie
3 Murphy
4 Selby
5 Maguire
6 Carter
7 Robertson
8 Allen
9 Day
10 Walden
11 Fu
12 Hendry
13 Perry
14 Williams
15 Ebdon
16 Ding
1) Higgins
2) Ronnie
3) Murphy
4) Maguire
5) Ding
6) Fu
7) Selby
8) Carter
9) Robertson
10) Day
11) Dale
12) Trump
13) Allen
14) Hendry
15) Wenbo
16) Doherty